Commercial and Business Litigation


Successful defense of $194 billion theft of trade secrets and fraud action for Fortune 30 company.  Summary judgment motions granted and the remaining claims were resolved for a small fraction of the claims after summary judgment and before trial

Successful defense of three companion antitrust cases seeking $1.5 billion for large waste contractor. Claims settled for small fraction after summary judgment granted

Successful defense of $250 million breach of contract case, resolved favorably midway through a jury trial for a small fraction of the claims. 

Successful defense of $240 million breach of contract and fraud action, resolved favorably for a small fraction of claims during trial. 

Successful defense of multiple cases attempting to shut down major government defense contractor employing 1,200 persons

Obtained no-cause verdict in $115 million breach of fiduciary duty case after two-week trial.

Resolved claims of fraudulent off-label drug promotion against international pharmaceutical company brought by State of Utah.

Obtained no cause verdict in securities fraud class action seeking $90 million after month long jury trial.

Successful defense in theft of trade secrets/tortious interference case, resolved favorably after two-week TRO/Preliminary Injunction evidentiary hearing.

Successful defense in case seeking in excess of $10 million for breach of fiduciary duty.

Successful intervention and defense of the constitutionality of Utah statute against a challenge by national eyewear manufacturers at the federal district court and the U.S. Court of Appeals.

Successful defense of national law firm in case seeking in excess of $10 million for legal malpractice and other claims.

Successful defense of national law firm in case seeking $6 million for fraudulent transfer and other claims.

Resolved multimillion-dollar legal malpractice claims against attorney and law firm.


Successful prosecution of environmental compliance claims involving approximately $300 million of economic impact.

Multimillion-dollar economic recovery in breach of franchise rights case after successful motion for summary judgment.

$18 million recovery in class action asserting fraud.

Successful high-profile prosecution on behalf of nuclear utilities consortium applying federal preemption to invalidate state statutes banning spent nuclear fuel, culminating in favorable Tenth Circuit decision and recovery of several hundred thousand dollars in attorneys fees.

$6.9 million recovery for on a life insurance dispute

Multimillion-dollar economic recovery in condemnation dispute between two cities resolved just prior to trial.

$5.5 million recovery for Biotech company for termination of development agreement

$3+ million award to clients in class action under Federal Truth In Leasing Act after multi-week trial.

$1.2 million jury verdict on partnership dispute after two-week jury trial.

Pursuing contract claims in excess of $2.5 million for major food ingredient manufacturer.

Seeking $100 million for faulty equipment for bio-engineering company.


* Numerous other significant settlements in antitrust, securities fraud, employment, and other disputes for both plaintiffs and defendants.